Monday 26 March 2018


No one wants them and as Caribbean women they’re likely to trouble us more, but luckily chapped lips are a cinch to fix. Here’s what you need to know to properly exfoliate them and keep them smooth.
What to use:
Get you a soft toothbrush and if your like me and have particularly sensitive skin, a children’s toothbrush will work best. Keep this one specifically for this purpose, not to be mixed up with your usual as you don't want to contaminate it with any bacteria.
The fun part:
Get yourself a lip scrub of your choice if your from Trinidad try Wonderful world. If your a cheapo and do it yourself like me you can make your own at home by mixing bicarbonate soda with a small amount of water to create a paste, or try brown sugar mixed with coconut oil. I will also post a link of more fun creative DIYs
Apply your chosen scrub to lips or toothbrush, then with your toothbrush use a circular motion firmly, but not to rough. A good scrub will contain moisturizing as well as exfoliating agents so let the scrub absorb into your lips by leaving on for a minute or so. Use a damp wash cloth to wash off.
How often:
In the Caribbean you will likely want to do this more often but any more than twice a week can be risky. The skin on your lips is delicate, so you shouldn’t be applying the same rules as you would to the rest of your body or you risk exacerbating the original problem.

Stay tune next post -- A DIY on home made lip scrubs 

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