Monday 5 February 2018


As a Caribbean woman who suffers from highly sensitive skin, the effects of our climate is known all to well to me and my skin.
I like to think that ones skin has it own identity and therefore needs special attention in a special way.
Here is my reason - As Caribbean women our skin are exposed to harsh topical elements as well as the general female issues and stress. Therefore some us need to give our skin a little extra love to prevent breakouts, sun burn, allergic reactions, dryness and the list goes on.

I have experienced it all and probably tried all the products under the sun, such as home made remedies, over the counter products and Dermatologist proscribed products.
My skin was at its worst the final semester of my undergrad and I almost gave up due to my frustration and that's when the miracle happened.
I changed my diet and my skin care routine with products that had no alcohol substance and with no surprised today my skin is clear and more beautiful than ever.

Now its no easy job finding the rite products from your skin. I believe its a matter of analyzing your skin, knowing the sensitivity of you skin and working from there. I totally understand how trying this process can be and that's why I have created a list of products that are best suited for skin types which you can find under the product section of my page.

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